AIDS and the Social Consequences (Representative Survey East, Winter 1991/1992)
GESIS Data Archive, Cologne. ZA2976 Data file Version 1.0.0,
Abstract: Assessment of the dangers from AIDS. Attitude to the social
consequences of AIDS. Topics: 1. as oral survey: degree of urbanization
of place of residence; general assessment of dangers and temptations
for young people in large cities; assessment of the danger of AIDS
infection in large cities; expected risk of crime in Germany in the
extent of American cities; probability of future personal isolation due
to AIDS; assessment of current and future social menace from AIDS;
general attitude to the handicapped and illnesses as well as perceived
feeling of threat from AIDS and readiness for risk (sc ... more Methodology
Date(s) of Data Collection: 11.1991 - 02.1992
Date(s) of Data Collection: 11.1991 - 02.1992, The main survey from 6. November to 17. December 1991
A follow-on survey in Thuringia and Saxony-Anhalt in February 1992
Geographic coverage: Berlin (DE-BE), Berlin (East) | Brandenburg (DE-BB) | Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania (DE-MV) | Saxony (DE-SN) | Saxony-Anhalt (DE-ST) | Thuringia (DE-TH)
Universe: Adult residential population in private households
Number of Units: 2132
Sampling Procedure: Multi-stage stratified random sample (ADM mastersample) Mode of Data Collection: Oral and written survey with standardized questionnaire
Data Collector: GFM, GETAS, Hamburg;
ZUMA, Mannheim
Analysis System(s): -
Number of Variables: 189
Bibliographic information
Principal Investigator/ Authoring Entity, Institution: Eirmbter, Willy H. - Universität Trier, Abteilung Soziologie | Hahn, Alois - Universität Trier, Abteilung Soziologie | Jacob, Rüdiger - Universität Trier, Abteilung Soziologie
Publication year: 1997
DOI: 10.4232/1.2976
Study number: ZA2976
Publisher: GESIS Data Archive
Current Version: 1.0.0, 2010-04-13,
Version history: ... more Reference publications
Publications: Hahn, Alois; Eirmbter, Willy H.; Jacob, Rüdiger:
Krankheitsvorstellungen in Deutschland: Das Beispiel AIDS.
Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag 1996.
(Studien zur Sozialwissenschaft, Band 176) | Jacob, Rüdiger; Eirmbter, Willy H.; Hahn, Alois; Hennes, Claudia; Lettke, Frank:
Aids-Vorstellungen in Deutschland: Stabilität und Wandel.
Berlin: Edition S ... more Study group: GESIS Community Data |
show all hits of the groupGESIS Community Data contains German and international research data that have been specially prepared for secondary analysis and academic teaching. These are studies that have been donated to GESIS by the scientific community and are processed by us in the spirit of open science. The collection constantly expands and contains data from six decades ... more