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Research data
Flash Eurobarometer 192 (Entrepeneurship)
GESIS Data Archive, Cologne. ZA4726 Data file Version 1.0.0,
Abstract: Attitudes towards entrepreneurship.
Content: Topics: preferred employment status: employed, self-employed; reasons for preferred employment status; preference to run own company or to only work for oneself; desire to become self-employed within the next five years; feasibility to become self-employed within the next five years; reasons for non-feasibility; participation in courses about entre ... more
Topics: Employment
Date(s) of Data Collection: 09.01.2007 - 16.01.2007
Date(s) of Data Collection: 09.01.2007 - 16.01.2007, total | 10.01.2007 - 16.01.2007, Belgium | 09.01.2007 - 12.01.2007, Czech Republic | 11.01.2007 - 14.01.2007, Denmark | 10.01.2007 - 16.01.2007, Germany | 12.01.2007 - 14.01.2007, Estonia | 10.01.2007 - 13.01.2007, Greece | 10.01.2007 - 13.01.2007, Spain | 09.01.2007 - 13.01.2007, France | 10.01.2007 - 13.01.2007, Ireland | ... more
Geographic coverage: Belgium (BE) | Denmark (DK) | Germany (DE) | Finland (FI) | France (FR) | Greece (GR) | Ireland (IE) | Italy (IT) | Luxembourg (LU) | Netherlands (NL) | Austria (AT) | Portugal (PT) | Sweden (SE) | Spain (ES) | United Kingdom (GB) | Cyprus (CY) | Czech Republic (CZ) | Estonia (EE) | Latvia (LV) | Lithuania (LT) | Hungary (HU) | Malta (MT) | Poland ... more
Universe: Population aged 15 years and above
Number of Units: 20674
Sampling Procedure: • Probability;
Mode of Data Collection: • Telephone interview;
Data Collector: GALLUP EUROPE, Brüssel, Belgien;
FOCUS AGENCY, Prag, Tschechische Republik;
HERMELIN, Kopenhagen, Dänemark;
IFAK, Taunusstein, Deutschland;
SAAR POLL, Tallinn, Estland;
METRON ANALYSIS, Athen, Griechenland;
EFFICIENCE3, Reims, Frankreich;
GALLUP UK, London, Vereinigtes Königreich;
DEMOSKOPEA, Rom, Italien;
CYMAR, Nikosia, Zyp ... more
Analysis System(s): SPSS
Number of Variables: 92
Notes: In den meisten EU-Ländern und den USA beträgt die Stichprobengröße ca. 1000 Personen. In Dänemark, Estland, Irland, Zypern, Lettland, Litauen, Luxembourg, Malta, Österreich, Slowenien, Slowakei, Schweden, Finnland, Norwegen und Island wurden ca. 500 Personen befragt.
Bibliographic information
Principal Investigator/ Authoring Entity, Institution: Papacostas, Antonis - European Commission, Brussels DG Communication Public Opinion Analysis Sector
Publication year: 2008
DOI: 10.4232/1.4726
Study number: ZA4726
Publisher: GESIS Data Archive
Research data center: FDZ Int. Umfrageprogramm bei GESIS
Current Version: 1.0.0, 2010-04-13,
Version history: ... more
Reference publications
Publications: European Commission; The Gallup Organization:
Entrepreneurship: Survey of the EU (25 Member States), United States, Iceland and Norway.
Brussels: European Commission April 2007
Study group:
EB - Flash Eurobarometer | show all hits of the group
The Flash Eurobarometer were launched by the European Commission in the late eighties, turning out a Monthly Monitor between in 1994 and 1995. These “small scale” surveys are conducted in all EU member states at times, occasionally reducing or enlarging the scope of countries as a function of specific topics. The typical sample size is 500-1000 res ... more
Flash Eurobarometer - Entrepreneurship | show all hits of the group
The Flash Eurobarometer were launched by the European Commission in the late eighties, turning out a Monthly Monitor between in 1994 and 1995. These “small scale” surveys are conducted in all EU member states at times, occasionally reducing or enlarging the scope of countries as a function of specific topics. The typical sample size is 500-1000 res ... more

The Flash Eurobarometer were launched by the European Commission in the late eighties, turning out a Monthly Monitor between in 1994 and 1995. These “small scale” surveys are conducted in all EU member states at times, occasionally reducing or enlarging the scope of countries as a function of specific topics. The typical sample size is 500-1000 res ... more
Flash Eurobarometer - Entrepreneurship | show all hits of the group
The Flash Eurobarometer were launched by the European Commission in the late eighties, turning out a Monthly Monitor between in 1994 and 1995. These “small scale” surveys are conducted in all EU member states at times, occasionally reducing or enlarging the scope of countries as a function of specific topics. The typical sample size is 500-1000 res ... more
- Datasets
- ZA4726_bq.pdf (Questionnaire) 123.38 KB
- ZA4726_q_at.pdf (Questionnaire) 41.56 KB
- ZA4726_q_be-fr.pdf (Questionnaire) 67.04 KB
- ZA4726_q_be-nl.pdf (Questionnaire) 68.35 KB
- ZA4726_q_bg.pdf (Questionnaire) 106.53 KB
- ZA4726_q_cy.pdf (Questionnaire) 139.46 KB
- ZA4726_q_cz.pdf (Questionnaire) 135.58 KB
- ZA4726_q_de.pdf (Questionnaire) 41.46 KB
- ZA4726_q_dk.pdf (Questionnaire) 67.8 KB
- ZA4726_q_ee-et.pdf (Questionnaire) 64.52 KB
- ZA4726_q_ee-ru.pdf (Questionnaire) 146.47 KB
- ZA4726_q_es.pdf (Questionnaire) 39.79 KB
- ZA4726_q_fi.pdf (Questionnaire) 39.63 KB
- ZA4726_q_fr.pdf (Questionnaire) 67.85 KB
- ZA4726_q_gb.pdf (Questionnaire) 38.39 KB
- ZA4726_q_gr.pdf (Questionnaire) 140.85 KB
- ZA4726_q_hu.pdf (Questionnaire) 78.85 KB
- ZA4726_q_ie.pdf (Questionnaire) 38.45 KB
- ZA4726_q_is.pdf (Questionnaire) 66.17 KB
- ZA4726_q_it.pdf (Questionnaire) 66.34 KB
- ZA4726_q_lt.pdf (Questionnaire) 110.33 KB
- ZA4726_q_lu-de.pdf (Questionnaire) 40.49 KB
- ZA4726_q_lu-fr.pdf (Questionnaire) 66.92 KB
- ZA4726_q_lu-lu.pdf (Questionnaire) 69.47 KB
- ZA4726_q_lv-lv.pdf (Questionnaire) 131.4 KB
- ZA4726_q_lv-ru.pdf (Questionnaire) 142.28 KB
- ZA4726_q_mt.pdf (Questionnaire) 109.1 KB
- ZA4726_q_nl.pdf (Questionnaire) 68.33 KB
- ZA4726_q_no.pdf (Questionnaire) 66.22 KB
- ZA4726_q_pl.pdf (Questionnaire) 141.04 KB
- ZA4726_q_pt.pdf (Questionnaire) 40.58 KB
- ZA4726_q_ro.pdf (Questionnaire) 95.51 KB
- ZA4726_q_se.pdf (Questionnaire) 64.93 KB
- ZA4726_q_si.pdf (Questionnaire) 73.38 KB
- ZA4726_q_sk.pdf (Questionnaire) 110.4 KB
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Europäische Kommission (2008). Flash Eurobarometer 192 (Entrepeneurship). GESIS Data Archive, Cologne. ZA4726 Data file Version 1.0.0,
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