Research data

Japanese General Social Survey 2008 (JGSS 2008)

GESIS Data Archive, Cologne. ZA5294 Data file Version 3.0.0,
Abstract: Description of the situation in family, everyday life, home and living environment. Gender role. Health. Knowledge of foreign languages. Occupation. Political issues. 1. Face-to-face interview: work: sex; age (year of birth); employment in the last week; reasons why not employed; employment in the past; age at dismissal of last job; weekly working time in full-time occupation and in possible side jobs; professional position; supervisor function; travel time to the workplace (hours and minutes); employment in the public service, in a self-employed company, headquarters or branch of a company; ... more


Date(s) of Data Collection: 10.2008
Geographic coverage: Japan (JP)
Universe: Persons aged 20 to 89 years
Number of Units: 4220
Sampling Procedure: Probability Sample: Multistage Sample
Mode of Data Collection: Face-to-face interview Self-administered questionnaire
Data Collector: Central Research Services, Tokyo, Japan
Analysis System(s): SPSS, Stata
Number of Variables: 541
Notes: Split-ballot was used. The study is part of a series. Further studies are available at following ZA-Studien-Nos. archived: ZA Study No. 3912 - Japanese General Social Survey 2000, ZA Study No. 4198 - Japanese General Social Survey 2001, ZA Study No. 4199 - Japanese General Social Survey 2002, ZA Study No. 4200 - Japanese General Social Survey 2003 ... more

Bibliographic information

Principal Investigator/ Authoring Entity, Institution: - Osaka University of Commerce, Japan | - Institute of Social Sciences, University of Tokyo, Japan | - Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan
Publication year: 2015
DOI: 10.4232/1.12361 | 10.4232/1.12207 | 10.4232/1.10702
Study number: ZA5294
Publisher: GESIS Data Archive


Current Version: 3.0.0, 2015-10-16,
Version history: ... more

Reference publications

Publications: Iwai, Noriko and Yasuda, Tokio (eds.): Family Values in East Asia. Nakanishiya: 2009 | Tanioka, Ichiro; Nitta, Michio and Iwai, Noriko (eds.): Values and Behavioral Patterns in Japan. University of Tokyo Press: 2008
Study group:
Japanese General Social Survey | show all hits of the group
Description of the professional and family situation. Social and political attitudes.

GESIS Community Data | show all hits of the group
GESIS Community Data contains German and international research data that have been specially prepared for secondary analysis and academic teaching. These are studies that have been donated to GESIS by the scientific community and are processed by us in the spirit of open science. The collection constantly expands and contains data from six decades ... more


Osaka University of Commerce, Japan, Institute of Social Sciences, University of Tokyo, Japan, & Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan (2015). Japanese General Social Survey 2008 (JGSS 2008). GESIS Data Archive, Cologne. ZA5294 Data file Version 3.0.0,
