Sustainable Consumption: Representative Survey on Knowledge, Acceptance, Behaviour, Expectations and Attitudes in the Context of SDG 12
GESIS Data Archive, Cologne. ZA5549 Data file Version 1.0.0,
Abstract: The UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development includes Sustainable Development Goal (SDG 12) ´Sustainable Consumption and Production´. The aim of the survey conducted on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection for the German Council of Consumer Experts is to determine the extent to which the population living in Germany is informed about SDG 12, to identify attitudes and expectations in this regard and to explore how the population itself assesses its sustainability-relevant behaviour. The data form an empirical basis for a report by the German Council of Economic Ex ... more Content: 1. Knowledge of the term ´sustainable consumption´; awareness of the Sustanilable Development Goals (SDGs) agreed by the United Nations; awareness of the sub-goal of ensuring sustainable consumption and production patterns; associations with this sub-goal (open question).
2. Awareness of sustainable consumption (e.g. recyclable materials, environm ... more Methodology
Date(s) of Data Collection: 04.09.2020 - 23.09.2020
Geographic coverage: Germany (DE)
Universe: German-speaking persons aged 18 and over in private households in the Federal Republic of Germany
Number of Units: 1000
Sampling Procedure: • Probability: Multistage;
Probability sample: Multistage sample, ADM telephone sample in dual-frame approach with fixed-line and mobile telephone numbers in the ratio 70% fixed-line : 30% mobile Temporal Research Design: Cross-section Analysis Unit: Individual Mode of Data Collection: • Telephone interview: Computer-assisted (CATI);
Data Collector: forsa marplan Markt- und Mediaforschungsgesellschaft mbH, Berlin
Analysis System(s): SPSS, Stata
Number of Variables: 175
Bibliographic information
Principal Investigator/ Authoring Entity, Institution: - Sachverständigenrat für Verbraucherfragen, Berlin
Publication year: 2021
DOI: 10.4232/1.13730
Study number: ZA5549
Publisher: GESIS Data Archive
Current Version: 1.0.0, 2021-04-21,
Version history: ... more Reference publications
Publications: forsa marplan Markt- und Mediaforschungsgesellschaft mbH (2021). Nachhaltiger Konsum: Repräsentativbefragung zu Kenntnissen, Akzeptanz, Verhalten, Erwartungen und Einstellungen im Kontext von SDG 12. Methodenbericht und Tabellenband. Studien und Gutachten im Auftrag des Sachverständigenrats für Verbraucherfragen.
Berlin: Sachverständigenrat für Ve ... more Study group: Studien des Sachverständigenrats für Verbraucherfragen |
show all hits of the groupOn behalf of the Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection, the German Council of Consumer Experts conducted representative telephone surveys of the population to determine digital consumer skills, sustainability-relevant behaviour and the acceptance of (novel) scoring methods.GESIS Community Data |
show all hits of the groupGESIS Community Data contains German and international research data that have been specially prepared for secondary analysis and academic teaching. These are studies that have been donated to GESIS by the scientific community and are processed by us in the spirit of open science. The collection constantly expands and contains data from six decades ... more