Research data

Schoolchildren Interval Study IS II (Older Cohort) 1979-1985, 6th Wave

GESIS Data Archive, Cologne. ZA6166 Data file Version 1.0.0,
Abstract: Typical forms and courses of personality development and social conduct as well as professional training and work habits of young people and young adults depending on social factors and social conditions. Topics: General personal orientations: introversion, extroversion; general contentment with life; satisfaction with certain areas of life; life planning, goals in life; life style orientation; social responsibility (self-respect, sense of community, striving for equity, partner faithfulness, readiness for action); religiousness. Politics/society: political interest; identificat ... more


Date(s) of Data Collection: 1985
Geographic coverage: German Democratic Republic (1949-1990) (DDDE), GDR: city of Leipzig
Universe: 35 school classes from 18 schools. Interviewed were apprentices in the second year of occupation training (19/20-year-olds).
Number of Units: 277
Sampling Procedure: • Probability: Cluster; Cluster sample
Temporal Research Design: Cross-section
Analysis Unit: Individual
Mode of Data Collection: • Self-administered questionnaire: Paper • Content coding; Written survey in group association, document analysis (school grades)
Data Collector: Zentralinstitut fuer Jugendforschung, Leipzig
Analysis System(s): Codebuch, SPSS
Kind of Data: Numeric
Number of Variables: 388
Notes: Survey unit: trainees### Waves 1 to 5 of the Interval Study IS II are archived under ZA Study Nos. 6161 to 6165. The Schoolchildren Interval Study IS II (Younger Cohort) is archived under ZA Study Nos. 6187 to 6192. The Interval Study IS I ´Development Factors and Development Forms of Young People in the GDR´ (1968 to 1980), archived under ZA S ... more

Bibliographic information

Principal Investigator/ Authoring Entity, Institution: - Zentralinstitut für Jugendforschung (ZIJ), Leipzig
Publication year: 1985
DOI: 10.4232/1.6166
Study number: ZA6166
Contributor, Institution, Role: GESIS - Distributor | GESIS - HostingInstitution
Publisher: GESIS Data Archive


Current Version: 1.0.0, 2010-04-13,
Version history: ... more

Reference publications

Publications: Stiehler, H. - J.: Zu langfristigen Tendenzen in der Mediennutzung von Schülern. Teilbericht zur IS II. Leipzig ZIJ. ZIJ: F 81/20. | Müller, H.: Entwicklungsstand und Bedingungen der Herausbildung kommunistischer Überzeugungen bei Schülern. Teilforschungsbericht zur IS II 1. Etappe 1979/80. Leipzig 1981. ZIJ: F 81/22. | Stampler, B.: Freizeitin ... more
Study group:
Schülerintervallstudie IS II (1979-1985) | show all hits of the group
Typical forms and courses of personality development and social behavior as well as professional training and work habits of young people and young adults depending on social factors and social conditions.

GESIS Community Data | show all hits of the group
GESIS Community Data contains German and international research data that have been specially prepared for secondary analysis and academic teaching. These are studies that have been donated to GESIS by the scientific community and are processed by us in the spirit of open science. The collection constantly expands and contains data from six decades ... more


Zentralinstitut für Jugendforschung (ZIJ), Leipzig (1985). Schoolchildren Interval Study IS II (Older Cohort) 1979-1985, 6th Wave. GESIS Data Archive, Cologne. ZA6166 Data file Version 1.0.0,
