Research data

Public Expenditure on Education in Germany, France, Great Britain, Spain and Japan, 1815 - 1989

GESIS Data Archive, Cologne. ZA8174 Data file Version 1.0.0,
Abstract: The study is about public expenditure on education – in current and constant prices – in an international comparison for Germany, France, Spain and Great Britain from 1815 to 1989. Goal of the study: explanation of the internal structures of the education system and showing the relation between the development of the education system and economic growth. Main points: economics of education, relation between development of the education system and economic growth, relation between the development level of a country and the level of education of its population. Structure of the study in HISTAT ... more


Date(s) of Data Collection: 1815 - 1989
Geographic coverage: United Kingdom (GB) | France (FR) | Historical German lands (-1871) (DQDE) | Spain (ES) | Japan (JP) | German Reich (1871-1945) (DXDE)
Number of Units: 175 Zeitpunkte
Temporal Research Design: Time series
Analysis Unit: Geographic unit
Mode of Data Collection: • Aggregation; Selection of national and international time series from different scientific publications and official statistics.
Analysis System(s): Excel
Kind of Data: Numeric
Number of Variables: 43 Zeitreihen
Notes: Survey unit: others###

Bibliographic information

Principal Investigator/ Authoring Entity, Institution: Diebolt, Claude - Universität Montpellier
Publication year: 2003
DOI: 10.4232/1.8174
Study number: ZA8174
Contributor, Institution, Role: GESIS - Distributor | GESIS - HostingInstitution
Publisher: GESIS Data Archive


Current Version: 1.0.0, 2010-04-13,
Version history: ... more

Reference publications

Publications: Diebolt, Claude; Litago, Javier, 1997: Education and Economic Growth in Germany before the Second World War. An Econometric Analysis of Dynamic Relations. In: Historical Social Research (HSR), Vol. 22, No. 2, (pp. 132-149), 1997. | Diebolt, Claude: Government Expenditure on Education and Economic Cycles in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuri ... more
Study group:
GESIS Community Data | show all hits of the group
GESIS Community Data contains German and international research data that have been specially prepared for secondary analysis and academic teaching. These are studies that have been donated to GESIS by the scientific community and are processed by us in the spirit of open science. The collection constantly expands and contains data from six decades ... more


Diebolt, Claude (2003). Public Expenditure on Education in Germany, France, Great Britain, Spain and Japan, 1815 - 1989. GESIS Data Archive, Cologne. ZA8174 Data file Version 1.0.0,
